
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Photos: Janghyun

Sorry for being away for a few days! There's been some big stuff going on with my life and things are getting shuffled around quite a lot... I'm dropping out of Sogang University because my health has been so bad, plus I realized when I came to Korea that there was a lot of stuff I wanted to do besides just study all day. I guess it isn't very stereotypically Asian of me to a) not want to study and b) give up, but there's way more to life than books and books, not to mention: how often am I going to be in Korea?? I need to make the most of it! But never fear, I'll still be self-studying Korean with the help of the textbooks and workbooks from Sogang, since that's more or less what I was doing on my own.

So now that I'm no longer a student, I've been looking for a casual, part-time job to help fund my love of shopping...sending out emails to craigslist all over the place. If anyone has better suggestions or knows anything, please feel free to email me or comment and let me know!! It would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Now, with all that boring life stuff out of the way, I felt kind of bad for being a bit here, have some pictures of Janghyun, aka my neighborhood. It's pretty far from Seoul! To get to Sogang, I used to have to wake up at around 6:30 and take the 73 bus for about an hour to Hwarang-dae (화랑대), and from there ride the line 6 subway to Daeheung (대흥) and from there walk about ten minutes to my can maybe see why I was less than enthused about going to school every day. Apparently this is really common but I guess I'm just way too American, or maybe way too American-colleged; I'm used to living five minutes away MAX from my classes!

Fun fact: the hospital right next to my apartment? Lee Min Ho once filmed a drama in it! OMG so exciting, I wish I had been able to see him! What a beautiful yet bitch-faced man...

Anyway, Janghyun (장현):

Ack in that last picture you can see Paris Baguette, it's a Korean/French bakery that is omfg amazing, their chocolate chip muffins are pretty damn orgasmic, not to mention super super unhealthy. I do my homework there sometimes while sipping one of their green tea lattes...and by the way, the existence of the green tea latte blows my mind. I don't know why!

And because ever since I came here I've been rediscovering my true and deep love of tonkatsu, here have another picture of tonkatsu, eaten at Misoya, a nearby Japanese restaurant! While I'm pretty sure the tonkatsu at that unknown place in Guri was THE BEST I have eaten so far, any tonkatsu is good tonkatsu!

Plus this one came with bonus sushi rolls! I don't really eat shrimp like ever though... Also there's something super delicious about tiny cubed radish kimchi. I don't normally like radish kimchi but when they're chopped up small like this, I can't get enough! Korean vegetables are so strongly flavored, it takes some getting used to. I'm used to eating vegetables in order to clear my palate (that sentence couldn't have come out any more pretentious if I tried), not as a full meal in their own right...but whatever, food is food is delicious.

My unni is a choco-holic so while we were waiting for our food she ran out and bought a chocolate drink. I don't know what it was called or where it was from, but it had these little shavings of chocolate inside the drink itself and it was so good! I'm not a huge chocolate fan but I took a couple sips because I just couldn't resist. *_*

Oh wait...the name of the place my unni bought it from is on the cup itself. Fail!

I feel like I should apologize for my bad, sometimes I just use my cell phone. So sorry, guys! This is not the blog for beautiful pictures of Korea. I should probably find a blog that actually has some and just put up a link to them. Let me put it this way...look at these photos and make them about 10x better looking and more exciting and you'll get an idea of what I'm looking at constantly.

Anyway I'm definitely gonna do a post soon about makeup so keep an eye out for that! Orange and this...weird pinkish beige color...are a big thing in Korea right now, I see a lot of people with gorgeous orange nail polish or orange lip gloss or orange blush. I'm burning to try the lip gloss out myself.

I've been listening to this song a lot recently. It makes me feel more upbeat and way sexier than I am, haha. Korea is definitely way less sexed up than the US, but I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. Either way, both countries definitely fall into the Madonna/whore trap, so boo.

What have you been listening to?

Peace <3


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